Wine estate history


For more than eight centuries, the Lavaux plants have been bathing in the sunlight that ripples through the vertiginous shores of Lake Geneva, sheltered by the nocturnal heat of the vineyard walls, and nourished by the morainic and mineral soil.

Jean-Pierre and the 70s

The history of the wine estate begins in the seventies. Jean-Pierre BERTHET, grandfather of Laurent, then vineyard manager of a well-known wine estate in the region, buys the vineyard of Châtelard, located in the appellation region of Villette. From the first planting, he opts to cultivate the vines on wire, a practice that is rare in the region at the time.

Roger and the 90s

His son Roger BERTHET takes up the torch in 1987. He proceeds to purchase the house in Cully as well as the neighbouring vineyards, among which figures our famous Plant Robert, dont il effectue la première mise en bouteille. Cultivation techniques are gradually evolving and we witness a transition towards integrated farming.

Laurent berthet

Laurent and the beginning of the 21st century

Laurent BERTHET takes over operations in 2004. Soon after, he carries out the first vinification process inside the family home itself. He plans new varieties that lead to a diversification of both the grape varieties and the wine list. In 2010, Laurent undertakes expansion work on the house and builds the current cellar.




Laurent BERTHET is working on various modifications to the way in which way the vineyards are managed in order to increase the possibilities for mechanisation and to optimise quality. He plans new varieties that lead to a diversification of both the grape varieties and the wine list.

The near future

New grape varieties are being planted and we will be happy to present them to wine lovers in a few years’ time.